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Graph Information

mysql_size_ondisk - Munin plugin that reports the size of the files and
directories in /var/lib/mysql, biggest to smallest.
To correctly count InnoDB tables you should have innodb_file_per_table enabled
in MySQL (good practise anyway), otherwise all InnoDB tables will be counted into
This plugin must be run as the user mysql, to do that append the following
to your /etc/munin/plugins/plugin-conf.d/munin-node:

user mysql

This plugin gives you similar information as mysql_size_all. A difference
is that mysql_size_ondisk is much faster (0.4 seconds vs 14 seconds, on a server
with 170 databases, 26 GB total). Also note that mysql_size_all gives you the net
data size, mysql_size_ondisk gives you the gross storage space used, which may be
much more than your actual data.

Field Internal name Type Warn Crit Info
lotrff lotrff gauge      
sync sync gauge      
milla milla gauge      
niko niko gauge      
ib_logfile0 ib_logfile0 gauge      
ibdata1 ibdata1 gauge      
susa susa gauge      
sanjuro sanjuro gauge      
minecraft minecraft gauge      
lukaitis lukaitis gauge      
mysql mysql gauge      
ibtmp1 ibtmp1 gauge      
kauniistisujuvaaarkea kauniistisujuvaaarkea gauge      
phpmyadmin phpmyadmin gauge      
aria_log_00000001 aria_log_00000001 gauge      
ib_buffer_pool ib_buffer_pool gauge      
performance_schema performance_schema gauge      
aria_log_control aria_log_control gauge      
mysql_upgrade_info mysql_upgrade_info gauge      
multi_master_info multi_master_info gauge      
debian_10_5_flag debian_10_5_flag gauge